Here we answer some FAQ's for people who have never been to church, or just simply want to know how we do things here at Oak Grove Baptist.


Q : Can I take my kid(s) to regular church with me?

A : Yes, while we offer child care during service (from infant all the way up through 5th grade), you are welcome to keep them with you.


Q : What are your security measures with children in your care?

A : Each parent is given a secret code and a pager when signing in their kid(s), that code along with the pager is used at pick up. There are also several other security measures including but not limited to security staff, cameras, and lock codes in place throughtout the church halls.


Q : What are your beliefs?

A : Simply put, we believe Jesus was the son of God, born of a virgin, lived a sinless life,  died on the cross for our sins, was burried, and rose again on the thrid day to make a way for those who accept Him as Lord to live with Him eternally in Heaven. For a more in depth answer visit Our Beliefs page.


Q : How can I get connected?

A : Fill out a connection card, found in the pew or on the welcome desk when you enter.


Have a Question not answered here please send us an email.